Founded April 20,2021 by our CEO Alexander (AJ) Thompson. Like many others this idea began with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. He originally planned to begin his journey in Forex and the financial literacy sector and grow a fintech startup naming the company Little Investments For Tomorrow. After a few months he realized there was so much more he could do to actually help others with more than just finance. Truly embracing the idea "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes is better than a master of one." Studying everything he can get his hands on and discussing different business ideas with his friends and family he came to the conclusion of helping people chase their dreams and passions without having to compromise due to lack of funding, resources, or know how. While sitting in his living room he turned Little Investments For Tomorrow from a personal fintech start up to a company built for dreams!

Our Goals
Overall our main goal is to become a household name. A company synonymous with excellent customer service, top tier employment, and amazing products and services to offer our customers. We want to be a hub of opportunity for the Cleveland area. Currently we our chasing a goal we like to call the Quarter Destination, a list of goals that we want to accomplish to show just how much we can shake up the corporate sector!

Our Vision For The Future
We will do everything in our power to position ourselves to be the greatest holding company Cleveland has ever seen. Creating opportunities for our communities, finding unique solutions to everyday problems, and being at the forefront of innovation. As we look ahead we hope to build a genuine group of investors, clients, partners, and customers that believe in everything we see fit to do as a business. Hey, who knows maybe we will be the next country-wide sensation!