Meet The Team 

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Owner & Chief Executive Officer 

AJ Thompson is a Cleveland native, with a passion for helping others in any way he can. A forward thinker who embraces the most unique ways to solve solutions! This professional student holds an associate's degree in environmental science, is an American Red Cross Certified Swim Coach, is a certified professional digital marketer, and has a professional life coaching certificate. His main goal in his entrepreneurial journey is to prove that there are many paths to your goals and regardless of which one you take, you can be successful! He is currently finishing up a personal financial literacy coaching certificate and working to obtain his Entrepreneurial Small Business certificate!

Aj originally started L.I.F.T Industries as a way to bridge the gap between actual trading knowledge and personal finance from all the noise of the over popularized Trading sector. Quickly he realized he first had to learn it himself, in doing so he networked with so many different people and discovered what he was good at was building relationships through learning new things. Seeing that there were many ideas in the world, but no one to point them in the right direction he changed the gears of the company to research and development to help his friends and family bring their businesses to life and build a community of people using the gifts they truly have a passion for!
“I love seeing people in their most child-like state, something about things that make people giddy, or they just can’t stop talking about really inspires me to work my hardest!” - AJ Thompson
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Chief Operations Officer 

Devon (Sage) Thompson is a college student obtaining a bachelor’s in pilosophy and studying for LSAT. He also is the Co-CEO of Runn Light, the mastermind behind Chronic Conversations, and his ever-growing resume is just beginning! 
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Chief Financial Officer 

JJ Gales is a Marine Corps veteran specializing in comms and pantalogy. He currently is in welding school after taking a break from trucking with his CDL! This vet turned serial entrepreneur has experience in forex trading, recruiting, and personal financial literacy, truly living up to the name impact specialist! 
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Chief Human Resource Officer 

Mariah Peterson holds a BA in Non-Profit Administration and a minor in Urban Studies. A proud mother of 2 amazing children currently pursuing a full-time career with Flex Jet! When she is not working or outside with her kids she is chasing her next adventure trying new things as much as she can! She has a passion for helping others and human resource innovation truly putting the individual and their goals, needs, and challenges first. 
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Chief Communications Officer 

Brittney Grum is an educator with an ECE certificate and associate degree in Early Childhood Education. This full-time nanny and student is currently obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Communications! Her passion for changing the education sector has driven her since she was just 16 years old! Her LLC Busy Bee’s Education Systems was built to educate even the most unique child and learning style through curriculum and eventually her learning center! 
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Senior Executive Assistant  

Cassie Martin is a high school graduate in the early stages of her career path. In the process of making a name for herself, she aspires to be the best version of herself she can possibly be. From tattooing to piercing and anything artsy in between she is a true creative! 

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

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